1. A 29-year-old woman who was in her 41st week of gestation had been in labor for 12 hours. Although her uterine contractions had been strong and regular initially, they had diminished in force during the past hour. Which of the following drugs would be administered to facilitate this woman’s labor and delivery?
(a) Dopamine
(b) Leuprolide
(c) Oxytocin
(d) Prolactin
2. Which one of the following agents is not used in oral or implantable contraceptives?
(a) Clomiphene
(b) Ethinyl estradiol
(c) Mestranol
(d) Norethindrone
3. All of the following are recognized effects of combined oral contraceptives except
(a) Breakthrough bleeding
(b) Decreased risk of endometrial cancer
(c) Increased risk of ischemic stroke
(d) Increased risk of ovarian cancer
4. A 50-year-old woman with a positive mammogram undergoes lumpectomy and a small carcinoma is removed. Biochemical analysis of the cancer reveals the presence of estrogen and progesterone receptors. After this procedure, she will probably receive
(a) Danazol
(b) Flutamide
(c) Mifepristone
(d) Tamoxifen
5. A young woman complains of severe abdominal pain at the time of menstruation. Careful evaluation indicates the presence of significant endometrial deposits on the pelvic peritoneum. The most appropriate
therapy for this patient would be
(a) Fultamide, orally
(b) Medroxyprogesterone acetate by intramuscular injection
(c) Norgestreal as an implant
(d) Oxandrolone by intramuscular injection
6. Diethylstilbestrol should never be used in pregnant women because it is associated with
(a) Development of deep vein thrombosis in the pregnant woman
(b) Feminization of the external genitalia of maleoffspring
(c) Infertility and development of vaginal cancer in female offspring
(d) Miscarriage
7. Finasteride has efficacy in the prevention of male-pattern baldness by virtue of its ability to
(a) Competitively antagonize androgen receptors
(b) Decrease the release of gonadotropins
(c) Increase the serum concentration of SHBG
(d) Reduce the production of dihydrotestosterone
8. A 52-year-old postmenopausal patient has evidence of low bone mineral denisity. She and her physician are considering therapy with raloxifene or a combination of conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate. Which of the following patient characteristics is most likely to lead them to select raloxifene?
(a) Previous hysterectomy
(b) Recurrent vaginitis
(c) Rheumatoid arthritis
(d) Strong family history of breast cancer
9. Following delivery of a healthy baby, a young woman begins to bleed extensively because her uterus has failed to contract. Which one of the following drugs should be administered to this woman?
(a) Desmopressin
(b) Octreotide
(c) Oxytocin
(d) Prolactin
10. Raloxifene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). Its characteristic properties make the drug most suitable for treatment of a female patient who
(a) Decides to start using an oral contraceptive
(b) Has postmenopausal osteoporosis and is at risk for breast cancer
(c) Needs postcoital contraception
(d) Suffers from hirsutism
11. Select the drug which can improve urinary flow rate in benign prostatic hypertrophy without affecting prostate size
(a) Amphetamine
(b) Prazosin
(c) Finasteride
(d) Goserelin
12. The drug used for cervical priming to facilitate labour is
(a) Oxytocin
(b) Stilboestrol
(c) Progesterone
(d) Prostaglanding E2
1. c
2. a
3. d
4. d
5. b
6. c
7. d
8. d
9. c
10. b
11. b
12. d
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