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1. Artemisinin contains the following group in its structure:

(A) an endoperoxide 

(B) an exoperoxide 

(C) an epoxide 

(D) an acid hydrazide 

Ans: a

2. Indicate the HPLC detector that is most sensitive to change in temperature: 

(A) PDA detector 

(B) Refractive Index detector

(C) Electrochemical detector 

(D) Fluorescence detector

Ans: b

3. One of the following statements is not true:

(A) Accuracy expresses the correctness of measurement

(B) Precision represents reproducibility of measurement

(C) High degree of precision implies high degree of accuracy also 

(D) High degree of accuracy implies high degree of precesion also 


4. In thiazides following substituent is essential for diuretic activity:

(A) Chloro group at position 6 

(B) Methyl group at position 2 

(C) Sulphamoyl group at position 7 

(D) Hydrophobic group at position 3 


5. Streptomycin can not be given orally for treatment of tuberculosis because:

(A) it gets degraded in the GIT 

(B) it causes severe diarrhoea

(C) it causes metallic taste in the mouth 

(D) it is not absorbed from the GIT


6. In organic molecules, fluorescence seldom results from absorption of UV radiation of wavelengths lower than: 

(A) 350 nm 

(B) 200 nm 

(C) 300 nm 

(D) 250 nm


7. Glass transition temperature is detected through:

(A) X-Ray diffractometery 

(B) Solution calorimetery

(C) Differential scanning calorimetery 

(D) Thermogravimetric analysis 


8. In Gas-Liquid Chromatography, some of the samples need to be derivatized in order to increase their:

(A) volatility 

(B) solubility

(C)thermal conductivity 

(D) polarizability


9. Oxidative phosphorylation involves:

(A) Electron transport system

(B) Substrate level phosphorylation 

(C) Reaction catalyzed by succinic thiokinase in TCA cycle

(D) None of the above 


10. Coulter counter is used in determination of:

(A) particle surface area 

(B) particle size

(C) particle volume 

(D) All of above 


11. Drugs following one compartment open model pharmacokinetics eliminate:

(A) bi-exponentially 

(B) tri-exponentially 

(C) non-exponentially 

(D) mono-exponentially 

Ans: d

12. The temperature condition for storage of drug products under cold temperature is given as:

(A) temperature between 8°C and 25°C 

(B) temperature below 2°C 

(C) temperature at 0°C 

(D) temperature between 2°C to 8°C 

Ans: d

13. Many xenobiotics are oxidized by cytochrome P450 in order to:

(A) increase their biological activity

(B) increase their disposition in lipophilic compartments of the body 

(C) increase their aqueous solubility 

(D) all of the above 

Ans: d

14. The following protein/polypeptide has a quaternary structure : 

(A) cc-Chymotrypsin 

(B) Hemoglobin 

(C) Insulin 

(D) Myoglobin 

Ans: b

15. Drugs in suspensions and semi-solid formulations always degrade by:

(A) first order kinetics 

(B)second order kinetics 

(C) zero order kinetics 

(D) non-linear kinetics

Ans: c

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